About us

This project which aims to regenerate the Matson and Podsmead estates is being led by Gloucester City Homes alongside a range of partners which includes Gloucester City Council, Gloucestershire County Council, local residents, community groups, local schools, health services, the police, environmental groups and a range of community partners.

Podsmead Regeneration Guiding Principles:

The financial viability of the programme will be underpinned by an increase in density of new social housing through better use of land available from Gloucester City Council, improving public open space and an improved local offer including new retail facilities. 

The programme will deliver quality homes which are safe, warm, affordable and environmentally friendly and which are flexible in design to support both social mobility through a progressive approach to tenure choices and community cohesion through a flexible tenancy model to meet the changing needs and of individual households.

The Podsmead reneration will create new homes which meet the needs of the existing Podsmead community as well as wider city housing need.

Wherever possible, we will endeavour to accommodate residents desire to remain in their community. Where this is not possible we will support existing GCH tenants to secure a local replacement home working with the City Council, Gloucestershire Homeseeker and other registered providers to meet their needs. If existing GCH tenants wish to remain as GCH tenants they will be able to do so but the programme will offer choices of other tenures, including low cost home ownership.

Ideally, no one will be expected to move twice.  We would look to achieve this, wherever possible, by working on a “build first demolish later” model.

We are committed to fully engaging with and empowering local residents to take an effective part in developing a growing and resilient community and economy.

This isn’t just about housing. It is about ensuring that amenities and services are considered as an integral part of the plan, including schools, open space and healthcare.  However, it is not assumed that the programme will necessarily fully fund the provision of all of these amenities although it should provide the space for them within appropriate environments.

Our aim is to deliver a programme that will contribute positively in terms of:

Reduce poverty, increase pride
Promoting a positive reputation and sense of pride within the community, seeking to tackle poverty and the resulting issues.

Physical, economic and social regeneration
Creating added social value through the regeneration of the whole Podsmead community.

Improve health and well being
Improving health and wellbeing outcomes and deliver a positive impact for other partner services including the NHS, local authority care homes, and GP’s. Podsmead will get its first ever pharmacy.

Reduce crime
Creating safer communities by “designing out crime”.

Improve the environment
Delivering environmental improvement by improving the quality of the local environment with outstanding public spaces and housing that promotes effective recycling, low energy consumption and environmental sustainability.

Provide jobs
Ensuring that regeneration provides opportunities for economic growth and work with local communities to ensure that local people are able to take advantage of these economic opportunities to create personal development and employment opportunities.

Sustain communities
Supporting community development; promoting mixed and sustainable communities which provide a good quality of life for people of all ages and backgrounds, in safe, cohesive and healthy neighbourhoods, supported by sustainable, fit for purpose community buildings.

Improve community infrastructure
Improving community infrastructure which will address key elements such as healthcare provision including a new pharmacy, safer walking route to schools, improved employability, and a new range of shops to provide affordable, good quality goods and food. 

Improve transport links
Improving the accessibility to bus routes will be a key feature of urban design to support employment and social mobility.

Realisation of all of the key principles will rely on making change happen at scale in each of the communities. In order to maximise the opportunity to achieve this, a legitimate attractive financial settlement needs to be devised which encourages freeholders and leaseholders to participate.

Regenerate the Matson and Podsmead estates.